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Implementing Google reCAPTCHA v2 in Phoenix Framework

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    Nittin Shankar

The full form of CAPTCHA is Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.

It is implemented by web developers in their websites to avoid phising attacks. Google ReCAPTCHA remains to be a popular choice among the developers as it's easy to implement and also majority of the users are quite adapted to it. You may read more about it here.

There are four different types of reCAPTCHA:

  1. reCAPTCHA v3 - Validates requests in the background by assigning scores. The end user doesn't see anything
  2. reCAPTCHA v2 "I'm not a robot" Checkbox - Challenges the users to do some mini challenges
  3. reCAPTCHA v2 invisible badge - Validates request in the background and a small badge is visible in the form.
  4. reCAPTCHA v2 Android - Used for implementation in Android

In this article, we are going to implement Google reCAPTCHA v2 with the checkbox using Phoenix Liveview.

Building the form

Before doing anything else, we first need to create a liveview to display our form.

In router.ex, let's comment out the default get/3 function generated and add in a new liveview to route to.

    scope "/", DemoWeb do
      pipe_through :browser

      # get "/", PageController, :index
      live "/", PageLive

Let's now create the live view which shows a simple hero section in lib/demo_web/live/page_live.ex:

    defmodule DemoWeb.PageLive do
      use DemoWeb, :live_view

      def render(assigns) do
          <div class="phx-hero">
            <h1>Welcome to this demo site!</h1>
            <p>You'll see the implementaion of Google reCAPTCHA with live view this page</p>
          Form will come here

      def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
        {:ok, socket}

      def handle_params(_params, _session, socket) do
        {:noreply, socket}

To build a form in Phoenix, we require an Ecto changeset to manage server-side validations and to track errors. As we all know, a changeset requires a schema. In our case, we don't need to store anything in the database, so let's just create an embedded schema at lib/demo/contact_schema.ex:

    defmodule Demo.ContactSchema do
      use Ecto.Schema
      import Ecto.Changeset

      embedded_schema do
        field :subject, :string
        field :name, :string
        field :email, :string
        field :contact_number, :string
        field :message, :string

      @doc false
      def changeset(contact, attrs \\ %{}) do
        |> cast(attrs, [:subject, :name, :email, :contact_number, :message])
        |> validate_required([:subject, :name, :email, :contact_number, :message])

Let's build our form in a live component under lib/demo_web/live/contact_form_component.ex. What we have below, is just a normal form built with the help of Phoenix helper functions and changeset for error tracking:

    defmodule DemoWeb.ContactFormComponent do
      use DemoWeb, :live_component

      def render(assigns) do
          <.form let={f}
            <%= label f, :subject %>
            <%= text_input f, :subject %>
            <%= error_tag f, :subject %>

            <%= label f, :name %>
            <%= text_input f, :name %>
            <%= error_tag f, :name %>

            <%= label f, :email %>
            <%= email_input f, :email %>
            <%= error_tag f, :email %>

            <%= label f, :contact_number %>
            <%= text_input f, :contact_number %>
            <%= error_tag f, :contact_number %>

            <%= label f, :message %>
            <%= textarea f, :message %>
            <%= error_tag f, :message %>

            <%= submit "Submit", class: "button-primary" %>

      def handle_event("send-email", %{"contact_schema" => contact_schema_attrs}, socket) do
        changeset =
          Demo.ContactSchema.changeset(%Demo.ContactSchema{}, contact_schema_attrs)
          |> Map.put(:action, :validate)

        if changeset.valid? do
          # Some actions that you can do like sending an email

           push_patch(socket, to: "/", replace: true)
           |> put_flash(:info, "Email sent")}
          {:noreply, assign(socket, :changeset, changeset)}

      def mount(socket) do
        changeset = Demo.ContactSchema.changeset(%Demo.ContactSchema{}, %{})
        {:ok, assign(socket, :changeset, changeset)}

Now that we have our form ready, let's now render it in page_live.ex

    <.live_component module={DemoWeb.ContactFormComponent} id="contact-form-component" />

Displaying the I'm not a robot checkbox

Before proceeding to do any steps, let's first generate the public and secret keys from Google reCAPTCHA admin console. You can find the page to do it here. Please make sure to select v2 Checkbox and to add localhost as one of your host.

Inside the lib/demo_web/layouts/root.html.heex, we need to add the script tag inside the head tag to access functions to render the checkbox:

    <script src=""></script>

Inside our lib/demo_web/live/contact_form_component.ex, let's add in a <div> tag as a placeholder for our checkbox. We'll use the hook for calling a JS function to render the checkbox. We are required to put our reCAPTCHA public key inside the data-sitekey attribute. Let's add it just above our submit button.

    <div phx-hook="GoogleRecaptcha" id="captcha-placeholder" data-sitekey="YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY"></div>

    <%= submit "Submit", class: "button-primary" >

Now, inside our app.js, if we had our hook render out the checkbox, we'd have it in the page. We do that like this:

    let Hooks = {}

    Hooks.GoogleRecaptcha = {
      mounted() {

    let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {hooks: Hooks, ...})

We can see the checkbox in our form now, Voila!!

Local form made in this page

But if we purposefuly induce an error with the form, we may note that the checkbox being missing. This is because, in our hook, we're only calling the grecaptcha.render( within mounted(). We aren't calling any function when the page is getting updated(like when an error occurs withing the form and the page needs to be updated). Let's now update the hook in app.js such that the checkbox will always be visbile.

    Hooks.GoogleRecaptcha = {
      mounted() {
      updated() {

Validating user's response

The checkbox that we have currently have now serves no real purpose. It's stationary. The value is not being checked for submission of the form.

If you inspect the params you receive after sumbitting the form, you may notice that there is an additional key in params with the name of "g-recaptcha-response". This is the user response token provided by Google reCAPTCHA as a POST parameter when the user submits the form.

Now, we need to send an API request to Google reCAPTCHA with this token and API secret key. To make HTTP requests, I prefer to use the external library Tesla. Please view this link to read more about Tesla.

Inside mix.exs, we add the following line and run mix deps.get to install Tesla.

    defp deps do
        {:tesla, "~> 1.4"}

Before proceeding to start making API requests, let's first have our secret API key inside config/dev.secret.exs:

    import Config

    # Configurations for Google reCATCHA
    config :demo, :google_recaptcha,
      secret: "YOUR SECRET"

Please note that we need to add this below line to import the secret configurations.

    import_config "dev.secret.exs"

Let's now create a client module for making API requests to Google reCAPTCHA at lib/demo/google_recaptcha.ex:

    defmodule Demo.GoogleRecaptcha do
      use Tesla

      plug {Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, ""}
      plug Tesla.Middleware.FormUrlencoded
      plug Tesla.Middleware.JSON

      def verify(resp) do
        request_body = %{secret: get_secret(), response: resp}
        {:ok, %Tesla.Env{body: body}} = post("/recaptcha/api/siteverify", request_body)

      # Take a note of this function
      defp get_secret() do
        config = Application.get_env(:demo, :google_recaptcha)

I normally prefer to have all configurations at one place like config/dev.secret.exs. Just like how we get the secret key from configurations, let's also get the public key from configurations. So, we'll have this additional function in lib/demo/google_recaptcha.ex:

    def get_public_key() do
      config = Application.get_env(:demo, :google_recaptcha)

We'll also have this in our config/dev.secret.exs:

    config :demo, :google_recaptcha,
      public_key: "YOUR PUBLIC KEY",
      secret: "SECRET"

Now inside our render/1 function inside lib/demo_web/live/contact_form_component.ex, we have the element written out like below:


We've done a good job, great! We have the function ready to verify the response token. Now inside our form componenet, inside mount/1, let's add a new value in assigns:

    def mount(socket) do
      changeset = Demo.ContactSchema.changeset(%Demo.ContactSchema{}, %{})

        changeset: changeset,
        show_recaptcha_error: false

Let's use this value to show error when the user doesn't tick checkbox. In order to do that, let's add the following line in our HTML.

    <%= if @show_recaptcha_error do %>
    <span class="invalid-feedback"> You need to have ticked the checkbox. Please try again </span>
    <% end %>

If show_recaptcha_error is true, then the error will be visible. Now that we also have a provision to show the error, let's conditionally verify whether to show the error or not. Inside lib/demo_web/live/contact_form_component.ex, let's update the handle_event/3:

      def handle_event("send-email", %{"contact_schema" => contact_schema_attrs, "g-recaptcha-response" => g_recaptcha_response}, socket) do
        changeset =
          Demo.ContactSchema.changeset(%Demo.ContactSchema{}, contact_schema_attrs)
          |> Map.put(:action, :validate)

        # This line will give either false or true after verifying.
        # The response from google recaptcha returns a parameter called "success". This by default returns false if no `value` is found.
        verified = Demo.GoogleRecaptcha.verify(g_recaptcha_response) |> Map.get("success", false)

        cond do
          verified && changeset.valid? ->
            assign(socket, :show_recaptcha_error, false)
            |> push_patch(to: "/", replace: true)
            |> put_flash(:info, "Email sent")}

          !changeset.valid? && !verified ->
            {:noreply, assign(socket, changeset: changeset, show_recaptcha_error: true)}

          !verified ->
            {:noreply, assign(socket, changeset: changeset, show_recaptcha_error: true)}

          !changeset.valid? ->
            {:noreply, assign(socket, changeset: changeset)}

Amazing!! We have implemented Google reCAPTCHA v2 in a live view. You can try playing with the form now!

Closing remarks

I hope you found it useful. Please feel free to comment for feedback, corrections and suggestions. You may see this complete demo in Github.

Thank you for reading this article 😊